Astoria Trip (Ranald MacDonald’s 200th Birthday Celebration)

Join us for a day in Astoria to commemorate Ranald MacDonald’s 200th birthday – we’ll learn some history about him in his hometown, and have dinner at Ft. George Brewery for top-rated pizza!

Who is Ranald MacDonald and why does this matter?

Hailing from Astoria, he was the first native English-speaker to teach English in Japan, managing to enter Japan by way of Hokkaido during its isolationist period. He educated Einosuke Moriyama, one of the chief interpreters to handle the negotiations between Commodore Perry and the Tokugawa Shogunate.

Please RSVP by July 6th using this form:

2pm Astoria Column
4pm Monument Birthplace memorial stone for Ranald MacDonald
5pm Dinner at Fort George Brewery

Participant Costs:
Hotel/Airbnb (if staying overnight)
Transportation from Portland, OR to Astoria:
Personal vehicle (approx. 2 hours)
POINT Bus Service (about $36 RT) (approx. 3 hours)
Saturday dinner subsidized by JETAA Portland

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