Ratified 05/15/09

Article I - Mission Statement

1. The Japan Exchange and Teaching Program Alumni Association Chapter of Portland, Oregon (hereafter the Chapter) is established to foster community among former and new participants in the JET Program.

2. Our mission is threefold:

a. To provide a professional and social network for JET alumni;

b. To serve as a resource to the Japanese Consulate of Portland in its recruitment and training of new JETs; and

c. To promote international understanding on a local level through cultural exchange and community activities.

Article II - Chapter Administration

1. Administrative meetings

a. Administrative meetings shall be held monthly or as deemed necessary by the President.

b. Administrative meetings should be attended by the officers and committee chairs; are open to the general membership; and shall be announced to the entire membership at least seven days prior to the meeting.

2. Officers

​a. The officers of the Chapter shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.

3. Election of Officers

a. The officers of the Chapter shall be elected to their positions by Chapter members. The term of office for each position shall begin each year at the first scheduled Chapter or General Annual meeting following the conclusion of elections (usually in April).

b. Chapter members interested in running for a position as Officer must submit an election platform to the President and the Webmaster between March 1st and March 15th. The Webmaster shall post these to the Chapter website as soon as possible after receiving them.

c. Voting shall be open to Chapter members between March 16th and March 31st, and may occur online. The Webmaster and the Secretary shall have access to the medium of the voting and the running results during this time.

d. In the event that a position should remain unfilled at the completion of elections, officers shall be selected as set out in Article II.6.a or Article II.6b.

4. Committee Chairs

a. The Committee Chairs of the Chapter shall consist of Social, Newsletter, Website, Career Development, Cultural, Community Service, Sports, and J-Kaiwa.

b. Committee Chair positions may be added, removed, made into co-chair positions, or combined as necessary with approval of two-thirds of members voting at an administrative meeting.

5. Appointment of Committee Chairs

a. Chapter members interested in serving as a committee chair shall notify the current President, the President-elect as possible, and the Webmaster of their interest between March 1st and either April 7th or two days before the first scheduled meeting, whichever is earliest.

b. The Committee Chairs shall be appointed to their positions by the President-elect, with the approval of a majority of Officers-elect, before the first scheduled meeting following the conclusion of elections. The term of office for each committee chair position shall begin each year at the first scheduled Chapter or General Annual meeting following the conclusion of elections (usually in April).

6. Resignation and Dismissal of Officers and Committee Chairs

a. In the event that the President resigns or the office is otherwise vacant, the Vice President shall either resign and assume the position him/herself, or appoint an interim President from the membership. Resulting position changes must be approved by a majority of members voting at the next regularly scheduled chapter meeting.

b. In the event that the Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer resign or those offices are otherwise vacant, the President shall make an appointment to the vacant position from the membership. This appointment must be approved by a majority of members voting at the next regularly scheduled chapter meeting.

c. If, in their judgment, any officer is not meeting his/her duties or the best interests of the Chapter would be served thereby, a two-thirds majority of members voting at a regularly scheduled chapter meeting may dismiss the officer from office. In the event that the President is removed, the Vice President shall carry out Article II.6.a to fill the position.In the event that any other officer is removed, the President shall carry out Article II.6.b to fill the position.

d. The President shall reserve the right to dismiss any appointed committee chairperson, with the approval of two-thirds of officers.​

7. Duties of Elected Officers


  1. Direct/lead all chapter and chapter administrative meetings.

2. Work with the Secretary to maintain an accurate and up-to-date list or database of the Chapter members, and coordinate the acceptance of new members into the Chapter.

3. Liaise with the staff of the Japanese Consulate of Portland and report all relevant consular activity to chapter administration and chapter membership.

4. Support the staff of the Japanese Consulate of Portland with the planning and conduct of JET Program support activities.

5. Inform the Chapter membership of any chapter activities or career/educational opportunities relevant to JET alumni, coordinating with Newsletter Chair and Webmaster.

6. Supervise the Officers and Committee Chairs in the performance of their duties.

7. Act as the official representative of the Chapter at all outside functions and through contact with CLAIR, the national JETAA association, the Japanese Consulate of Portland, or any other organization.

8. Act as the final authority in making decisions regarding chapter activities and the use of chapter finances.

9. Perform other duties as are necessary and appropriate for the administration of the Chapter.

Vice President

1. Provide support and advice to the President in the performance of his/her duties. Fulfill the duties of the President in the absence of the President.

2. Assist the President with the preparation and distribution of announcements and materials for chapter meetings and activities.

3. Act as the official representative of the Chapter in the event that the President is unable to do so.

4. Schedule all chapter meetings in accordance with decisions made by the Chapter administration.

5. Perform other duties as deemed necessary and appropriate by the President for the administration of the Chapter.



1. Record and distribute minutes of all administrative and chapter meetings.

2. Maintain the permanent records of the Chapter (proposals, applications, and other documentation deemed relevant to the Chapter administration and to future chapter officers).

3. Maintain a file of all correspondence on behalf of the Chapter.

4. Prepare PR materials and perform correspondence duties as necessary to develop and maintain relationships with other organizations, find sponsors/supporters of JETAA activities, create invitations/mailings, or promote JET Program.

5. Support the Treasurer in the preparation of applications and proposals as needed.

6. Perform other duties as deemed necessary and appropriate by the President for the administration of the Chapter.


1. Manage the collection and disbursement of funds.

2. Maintain an accurate and up-to-date account of the Chapter financial accounts.

3. Maintain all financial records, necessary receipts and documentation.

4. Regularly review chapter finances and deliver chapter finance status reports at all chapter meetings, or at the request of the President.

5. Participate in the financial review of chapter activities, working closely with officers and committee chairs in determining budgets for events/activities and necessary costs to participants.

6. Issue checks for activity expenses, honorariums, reimbursements, or for other purposes as approved by the President and the Chapter administration.

7. Prepare and submit an annual expense budget to the Japanese Consulate of Portland.

8. Prepare applications for funding (Grant-in-aid from the Japan Local Government Center, the Japanese Consulate of Portland, etc.). Follow up with the necessary documentation in order to receive funding.

9. Perform other duties as deemed necessary and appropriate by the President for the administration of the Chapter.

8. Duties of Committee Chairs

Social Chair

1. Develop, plan, and conduct social activities and events.

2. Work closely with officers, Newsletter Chair and Webmaster in planning, generating interest in and publicizing events/activities.

Newsletter Chair

1. Collect articles, pictures, ideas for newsletters.

2. Act as the Chapter’s photographer or designate a photographer at all events.

3. Coordinate with Webmaster in posting newsletters and pictures on the website.

4. Work with other committee chairs to best promote upcoming activities and disseminate information via the newsletter.


1. Liaise with head of the JETAA International website.

2. Coordinate with Newsletter Chair in posting newsletters and pictures on the website.

3. Work with officers and committee chairs to utilize the website for advertising, recruiting and disseminating information to JETAA members.

Career Development Chair

1. Work with President to develop an alumni professional network.

2. Inform members of career opportunities.

3. Act as a resource to JET Alumni conducting job searches.

4. Contact prospective employers and market JET Alumni to them.

5. Work with Cultural Chair to create a handbook of information for recent returnees.

Cultural Chair

1. Serve as resource on Japanese language and culture classes/activities.

2. Work with President in planning the JET pre-departure orientation in June.

3. Inform members of educational/cultural activities.

4. Conduct at least one cultural activity per year.

5. Coordinate activities with organizations that are in need of bilingual/bicultural participants (e.g.: Japan on the Road, Sapporo Sister City Program, Japanese Buddhist Church).

6. Work with Career Development Chair to create a handbook of information for recent returnees/new JETs.

Community Service Chair

1. Coordinate community service activities.

2. Inform members of community service opportunities.

3. Conduct at least one community service activity per year.

4. Work with Cultural Chair in coordinating volunteer activities.

Sports Chair

1. Coordinate JETAA sports activities.

2. Organize at least two sports activities per year.

J-Kaiwa Chair

1. Organize and inform members of monthly Japanese conversation event.

2. Organize or offer opportunities for JETs to practice/learn Japanese.

3. Inform members of opportunities to practice/learn Japanese.

4. Maintain contact list for all J-Kaiwa participants.

5. Work with Cultural Chair to participate in events/activities that require bilingual or bicultural participants.

Article III - Chapter Activities

1. JET Program Support Activities

a. The Chapter shall provide support to the Japanese Consulate of Portland for JET Program recruiting and interviewing efforts, under the coordination of the Consulate staff.

b. The Chapter shall conduct a pre-departure orientation program for newly hired JETs, under the coordination of the Consulate staff.

2. Newsletter and Website

a. Under the supervision of the Chapter administration, the Chapter shall publish a newsletter, which shall be in accordance with the objectives outlined in the Mission Statement, at least four times per year.

b. Under the supervision of the Chapter administration, the Chapter shall maintain a website, which shall be in accordance with the objectives outlined in the Mission Statement.

3. The Chapter may conduct or participate in any activities that meet the objectives outlined in the Mission Statement.

Article IV - Chapter Finances

1. Chapter finances shall be administered and managed according to the discretion of the Chapter administration, with the President having final authority.

2. Any funds provided by the Japanese government or any other organization shall be used for chapter activities according to the discretion of the Chapter administration in accordance with the budgetary guidelines provided by CLAIR and the Japanese Consulate of Portland

3. An annual budget shall be prepared and submitted by the Treasurer, with the approval of the President and Vice President, to the Japanese Consulate of Portland each year.

Article V - Revision of Bylaws

1. Proposal of revisions

a. Proposed changes to the bylaws shall be submitted to the President, who will assign a temporary Bylaws Committee to consider and finalize the proposed revisions.

b. When the proposed revision is finalized by the Bylaws Committee it shall be returned to the President.​

2. Notice of proposed revisions

a. Upon receipt of the finalized proposed revisions, the President shall notify the general membership of a proposed change to the bylaws.The date, time, and place of the administrative meeting at which voting and decision will occur, as well as the proposed revisions or a link to the original and proposed revised documents, shall be provided in the notification.

b. Notification must be sent with seven days’ notice before the administrative meeting at which voting is to occur.

3. Voting on proposed revisions

a. These bylaws may be amended or altered with the proposed revisions by a two-thirds majority of members voting at the administrative meeting specified in the notification.