J-Kaiwa (Postponed to this week)
Is one of your self-quarantine resolutions to study up on your Japanese? Then J-Kaiwa might be the right spot for you! J-Kaiwa is a monthly event open to all members of the Portland community, whether they are a JET alum or not. All levels of Japanese!
Now online: feel free to drop in and out of the call as your schedule allows, all welcome!
Here’s when we’ll be meeting next!
Friday, September 18 (7:00 – 9:00pm)
To join, please use the following Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/92565393168?pwd=N1VVRlZ2eEdrYXJNTW1LR2Jaekl0UT09 Meeting ID: 925 6539 3168 Password: JKAIWA